Though we tend to mark history with time, a specific point in our day or week that helps us define life, I find that more often my own history is defined by moments. Those places, people or events that I may or may not be able to recall the specific date or second, but I can tell you what I was wearing, what was going on around me and how the moment made me feel.
Graduating (finally) college - I have to think for a moment to remember the year (LOL), but I can tell you who sat beside me, how the fresh-cut grass smelled on the stadium lawn.
When the kids were born, especially my daughter. How the pace of the day was so quick compared to my son's birth. How I was sick and had to cross Peachtree Street to get medicine for myself at the drugstore. The way my son was playing and grinning up at me from the floor of the room we were in. How it felt to cradle Cambrey in my arms as she pronounced herself to the world.
The days I was alone - lost to the world it seems. What terrible moments those were. But never again.
So there are moments for all of us. Some are planned, but then there are those unexpected ones that stick with us and continue to fill us with the knowledge that everything in this life isn't scripted or planned to the half hour.
The first words of a babe.
The first time I looked out over the summit of blood mountain. Heaving from the workout and perspiring, but at a loss of breath more from the view.
A smile shared unexpectedly.
Life being formed inside a mother's womb - kicking for it's time to share in the light.
The unexpected comes and we just have to embrace it - hold it and know that life is richer from those moments shared...
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