“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to know the difference”
I’ve heard and said that prayer easily over 1000 times now. Simple guidance toward peace.
Tomorrow is four years. If you know me, you know what that means. And I’m very, very thankful. There are so many verses in scripture that describe getting out of the muck and the mire, or him lifting you and putting you on a rock, all those things… Quite simply, He saved my ass. And my soul!
If you asked me four years ago what was important, I think the list would look so much different than it does today. No, I know it would.
The list today:
Safety, security, serenity, hell, even sanity!
Before then I had none of those. Everything was a mess. Every day.
I was a mess.
And honestly, I’m still a mess… Ask my sponsor (bless his heart!), my adopted mom, ask those who really know me. But it’s a fun mess… One that actually cares about what’s coming next and wants to do the best he can in this life. For me… Not for anyone else.
I’m so blessed to be here breathing!!
I still have struggles, and I still have a whole lot of just ‘life’. I’m going to be working on that for the rest of my life. This last weekend has been no exception to that. Highs and lows that are part of this journey. Some moments of true joy and also a moment when I cried my eyes out to my sponsor on the phone.
I’m thankful I get to do that! Work on me and try to be loving and kind of those around me. AND to be loving and kind to myself. That took a long time to understand! (Still a struggle if I’m honest)
So if you know me, thank you for being part of this. Because I COULD NOT DO THIS without all of you. I thought about doing a list of everyone who’s been a part, but it’s just a mountain of people that God has placed in my path.
Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
For being part of this journey…
One day at a time.
~ Peace
The Burtle
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