"Little darlin'
it's been a long, cold lonely winter.
Little darlin'
it feels like years since it's been here.
Here comes the sun."
We've had rain. Boy has it rained over the last two weeks. Seems like it would never end. And then when it does end, it immediately picks up where it left off without even a brief respite for those of us here.
The rain doesn't just make me sad. There is something inside me that finds it difficult to smile, hard to get up and function. Like the sun is the energy source that pulls me out of my slumber and depression and allows me to go about my tasks.
Maybe you've found something similar. I hear that there is a legitimate sickness associated with lack of sun, rain, etc. I don't really know. I just know that I fight with myself on those days to see the joy and laughter that I carried so easily just days before.
So today I find that the cold doesn't even faze me. The wind and chill are but breathes of the SUN that is shining over my head. Pull on my coat, head out the door and know that even the difficulties that may come today are nowhere in scope to the powerful orb that fills the sky with light.
Inside I am requesting my soul to understand that yes, there is something to this 'sun thing', but to also realize that my heart isn't based just on the rising and setting of the sun. I find solace in knowing that this dark can affect me. AND THEN I HAVE TO GO AND FIGHT IT!!
Today I drove down the road to my first stop. I had two emails from clients that had issues and I faced them. And was still able to smile and think about all the good things in my day.
I need to bottle this feeling of relief that a clear day brings. Give it to all those that I've met that really struggle and let's find a way to see the light that shines within us - even when the day seems dreary and melancholy.
Here comes the SUN!!!!!!!!