Sunday, August 11, 2013

What Matters Most

If today were your last...

...what would matter most?

Your job,

Your car,

Your house or the upcoming trip you have planned to Cancun?

What really gives you peace?

Who do you think about right now as you're reading this?

The Pharaoh's believed that they could take this world with them to the next.  But I think that the museums that house their treasures are smiling at that myth.

I know what matters most to me.  It's memories of special people and specific events in my life.  It's the reality I've seen...

If today were my last, I'd smile knowing that I'd found love.  And she is incredible.  Something I never expected.  And I have two super kids that are growing and becoming a young man and lady.  Friends that are real and enrich my days.  I've lived the past year with less and less regrets over my past.  I've become more the man I always wanted to be.

So what matters most?  


Hope and Dreams all mean more when they come alive in your life.

So you...

You know who you are!!!

I am so blessed.

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