Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Will he see?

What will he see?  Will it be the love that we both share for him?  Will it be the terse words that we still say, though I think we both love each other too much to fully let go?

What will he look at?  More cranes, that may one day be at his disposal as he builds the next skyscraper, or will he look out at an audience and perform 'his' music for masses of fans, longing to just hear what he has created?

Will he see us?  Not you.  Not me.  But us?  

I don't know the answers, but I do hope that he sees something that at least mirrors the best of what we are.  

What will our little man see?

Maybe hope?






As I ask, I can only hope that he finds truth.  And a desire to keep moving forward, no matter how hard his life may get at times.  I also look at you.  And want the very best for you.

Maybe me.

Who knows right now.

But I can hope that he will see....

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