Friday, August 4, 2017

Showing Up

"I want you guys to take a good look at yourselves and feel proud.  
We made it here.  We're here.  
What I've learned from you is that really one of the most important things in life 
I'm blown away by your ability to SHOW UP through everything that's gone on."

Conor O'Neill (Keanu Reeves) in Hardball


Isn't that significant?  Knowing that you'll look up and someone will be there?  May not seem like a huge accomplishment or task, but I guarantee it takes something more than perfect people skills or a sophisticated battle plan to do.  

To Show Up.

There are times when I hurt.  Times when I'm sad, times when I'm just in need of an ear to vent to .  Or maybe it's simply knowing that a hug, a beer shared or a silent walk taken can remedy ailments that the soul carries many times without any relief.

What if I just showed up?

Would I change the world?  I don't know.  I think that might depend on your perspective.  But no matter, I'm desperately trying to do just that.  I'm trying to show up.  Be there.  I went to a friend's opening of his brewery last weekend.  Not for the beer (ok slightly for the beer!), but to show that I hoped it went well, and that no matter how the years had separated our lives, that he was still important.  A friend.

I have another close friend that I try to go by his school every week, sometimes to listen to his kids play, he's a music teacher, but mostly to just to see how life is going and to give a little of me.  It's something I try to do on a regular basis.  I don't even think he realizes.

And there are times that you find yourself showing up without even realizing it.  When my son falls and runs to daddy to kiss his 'boo-boo".  Getting to a gathering early to find the host had just had a tough situation and needed to unload.  Trying to mend broken relationships with sincere help in hard times.

Sometimes all I know to do is just show up.  There's no magic elixir or way to let people know WHAT MATTERS, but it only takes effort to be there.  To walk in the door.

Showing up MATTERS!  It takes all those lovely words I spout out of my mouth and puts them into Action.  Sure there's more that I can do, but it's pretty hard to lend a hand if you're not standing in the room!  You can't listen if you never pick up the phone or have a moment to go get a cup of coffee.

In my darkest times, I've always waited for someone to walk in, to care, to just let me know...  I've gone through most of the significant hard moments of my life alone.  And without complaining too much - it sucks!

The people who need you may not even know how to ask.  Just listen to your heart, your spirit.  There are subtle presses that lead, and might just give you the direction on who it is in your circle who's in need of help, and ear, something more. Heed those calls.  Don't put aside something that might be a life changer for someone else.

Dammit! Show UP!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. How true. People remember less of what you say but rather more that you were there.
